Festival fashion is a way to express a boho, free-spirited, and artistic style. A style that gives someone the opportunity to be true to who they are for four short days. I mean, who doesn’t want to walk around in cut off shorts, fringe tops, ankle boots, and long kimonos. Its not everyday you get to dress with a care free spirit, but when it comes to the farm you are free to dress how you please.

When asked what is the most important thing when it comes to Bonnaroo? Most would say music, love, and fashion. For most, style comes in a close second to music. Besides the bands, everyone wants to know what you’re wearing. Style is a critical factor when attending any music festival, and some even prepare months to a year in advance. When planning your outfits for Bonnaroo you are going to want to remember these two things weather, and comfort.
Mamie girls have been busy preparing some of the best festival essentials as well as gathering our top #10 survival tips any festy gal needs to know:
1. F A N N Y P A C K S -- are a must. Ain't nobody got time for a purse at a festival but ain't nobody got time to be losing their stuff either.
2. B U G S P R A Y -- Simple yet so forgotten and might be the biggest regret you'll have
3. C R O C H E T B A B Y -- any outfit you have planned needs crochet in it. It will help you beat the heat and be the cutest girl in your group!
4. B O O T S -- should be the official shoe of festivals. Sure, those sandals are cute but after walking, running, jumping, screaming and kicking around to great jams you're gonna wish you had packed those trusty boots!
5. S O C K S -- following the boots, don't forget socks!! Whether they're for your boots or just to keep your feet warm at night - socks are a forgotten necessity (plus you can get them in a fun print to keep the vibes right)
6. D E T A N G L E R -- any true front row girl will tell you detangler is a big must. Showers are limited on the farm and hair is the hardest to handle so a detangler helps you keep groovin' day to day!
7. H A T -- this is kind of a duh but necessary none the less. A cute hat is not only a fashion statement but also a savior from the harsh sun rays ( p.s never forget to put on your sunscreen girl!!! )
8. S U N N I E S -- protect those baby blues (or whatever) but the rays are serious on the farm so you'll need some sunnies to let you see all the killer talent playing!
9. H 2 0 F L O W -- hydrate, hydrate, and then hydrate some more! Water is probably the most important thing you can have at a festival and you can never bring enough so stock up!
10. K I L L E R K I M O N O -- the final Mamie tip for any festival gal is to always bring a killer kimono. As a signature of ours, we know that kimonos can transform any festival outfit and will reel in the magic of the music!
With Bonnaroo in less then three weeks, make sure to follow us on Instagram to stay updated on all the new goodies coming this season. We look forward to meeting you and seeing all your hippie inspired looks!