March 15, 2019
A Day in the Life of a Mamie Intern
When I would think of interning, The Devil Wears Prada automatically pops in my mind. Before I applied for my internship, I was nervous of what was to come and scared to mess things up. But interning at Mamie Ruth is the complete opposite of that.
It’s difficult to describe A Day in the Life of a Mamie intern, because each day is always different! It makes you excited to show up each day — I have designed sorority shirts, researched and contacted brands, been apart of new design concept meeting, and so much more. Oh and not to mention, the constant photoshoot days are the freaking best.

And just so I can brag on my Girl boss —
Emily Bargeron, the owner of Mamie Ruth, is one of the most creative and kind people I have ever worked with. She takes things to the next level, constantly thinking of new ideas to bring to life and share with the world.
Mamie Ruth is different. Interns aren’t standing on the sidelines wishing they could participate, they are actually doing the work.
Your voice matters
Your ideas matter
You matter.
All in all, I can’t thank Mamie Ruth enough for this experience and opportunity! I’m thankful for each day, and everything I’ve learned and will continue to learn!
xoxo, Savanna
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