October 02, 2015
Hippies at the EDM Show
Meet our newest contributer Yasmeen (below on the right). She is a Georgia Southern journalism major and she came along to Tomorrowworld to help out in the Mamie pop up shop.

Last Thursday, four girls who knew nothing about EDM music headed to Chattahoochee Hills, GA for one of the largest, most popular EDM festivals in the world. And, somehow that still seems like an understatement.

We dug through the abundance of black and neutrals, the vintage band t-shirts, and fringe vests that filled our closets in an attempt to find the most neon and flashy pieces we had. We threw what we had found in our bags, jumped in the car, and rode four hours blasting 5 popular dubstep songs we remembered from a few rave-themed parties we had been to in the past. The advantage of being virgins to EDM shows was that there were no expectations. We really didn’t know what to expect and that was what made every moment of those four days as exhilarating as they were.
Early Thursday, us and the other vendors set up our booths and explored Dreamville, the area designated for 40,000 campers where our booth would be located. By the afternoon, festival guests were flooding into Dreamville through the enormous rainbow arch that seemed to say “welcome to your most vibrant daydream where you will blissfully spend the next few days of your life.” We watched as the line to enter the camping field grew in distance. These people standing in line had traveled crazy distances to get here, and they held bundles of heavy camp materials, but they were so hyped and lively. This wasn’t even the first official day of the festival, but it was obvious that the vibe would remain like this throughout.
That night, mother nature didn’t want everyone to have too much fun, and being the adult she is, couldn’t resist raining on the parade just a little. So, the rain fell and the temperature dropped exponentially while we slept (or tried to).

And we woke Friday morning feeling a little discouraged and a little unsure about what the following days would consist of. But then, we started to notice something incredible; no one cared. These people decorated themselves in trash bags and beaded bracelets called “kandi” and they stomped fearlessly through the thick, treacherous mud that coated the entire festival grounds.

It had been what seemed like an eternity of this weather when the sun finally joined the party. Around us, everything became brighter and thousands of people began to cheer. “Here Comes the Sun” played loudly on someone’s boom box, further adding to the amazing sense of unity that had become obvious. We shared that. There was a sun inside of each of us that we each began to wear without even meaning to, and it spread constantly.

So, the rain continued to come and go, but the DJ’s didn’t stop killin it, and the crowds never stopped jumping. Thousands of people paraded their individuality in the form of clothing and accessories with a variety as great as the variety of sounds that DJ’s would use to fill a song. We saw it all; platforms taller than a foot, matching group costumes, patriotic ensembles, neon prints, outfits that came out of a time machine, sunglasses with kaleidoscope lenses, wigs, cross dressers, and the list goes on.
And the variety didn’t stop at the clothes. It was evident in the cultures people brought as well. Flags flew high from all across the US and beyond; France, Italy, England, Egypt, and Japan, to name a few.
Everyone wanted to be a part of this cultural and vibrant phenomenon, and everyone persevered despite any natural incidences that challenged their fun.
Nine stages hosted countless artists who raved and raged and bounced around while blasting beats that made everyone feel united. Anything was possible and everything was surreal. And neither sore thighs nor strained voices could stop us. We were sleep deprived and covered in mud, but the delirium was fun because it was all so new. We were like children and it was refreshing.

Each time a song played, waiting for the bass to drop was just as suspenseful as it was the first time. And when it would drop, it became easier and easier to just lose control and go absolutely insane. Overall, Tomorrowworld was a bomb ass, unforgettable time.